What Does GPR Concrete Scanning Reveal?

What Does GPR Concrete Scanning Reveal?

Exploring the World of GPR Concrete Scanning

When we start a new construction project or renovate an old one, we need to cut and core drill the concrete slabs. But what if the core drill touches the elements embedded inside the concrete? It will end up being a hazard!

What is the solution to this problem? It is very simple: We need to do the GPR Concrete Scanning before coring and locating the rebar, electrical wires and plumbing pipes hidden inside the concrete. But how does GPR scanning work? And what can it reveal? Let us read these things ahead in the blog.

Knowing about concrete scanning:

GPR Concrete Scanning uses electromagnetic waves to scan the concrete. The time waves take to reflect is recorded and used to calculate the location and type of the material.

The process needs to be done by a professional who is experienced and well-trained to record and calculate the readings. GPR scan does not show the image of the object inside or below the concrete. An expert can calculate the readings and accurately detect the type of hidden utility.

What can concrete scanning reveal?

Concrete scanning can reveal different things, and they are as follows:

  • Post-tension cables are used to ensure the strength of the concrete.

  • Plumbing pipes for bathroom and kitchen.

  • Electrical conduits and cables.

  • Reinforcement bars.

  • Size and location of the voids inside the concrete slab.

  • Presence of tunnels and pipes under the ground.

Which structures can be scanned using GPR Concrete Scanning?

Concrete scanning can reveal the hidden utilities inside any slab of concrete. It can even be used to measure the slab thickness. The most scanned parts of structures are walls, floors, balconies, bridges, decks, ceilings, etc.

GPR needs access to only one side of the concrete to record the values; therefore, it is considered highly useful to scan the surfaces that are accessible from a single side.


Concrete scanning is important as it saves costly repairs and makes coring safe for the workers. GPR Concrete Scanning makes the construction process efficient and ensures its timely competition.

If you are looking for GPR Scanning in the VA and DA area, Concrete Insight is the best company. Thery provides accurate coring, scanning and strength testing services. To get a quote, visit their website today!

Frequently Asked Questions: Clarifying GPR Concrete Scanning in Construction

FAQ 1: Why is GPR Concrete Scanning important before core drilling in construction projects?

Answer: GPR Concrete Scanning is crucial because it helps locate embedded elements like rebar, electrical wires, and plumbing pipes inside concrete, preventing potential hazards during core drilling.

FAQ 2: What can GPR Concrete Scanning reveal about the concrete structure?

Answer: GPR Concrete Scanning can reveal post-tension cables, plumbing pipes, electrical conduits, reinforcement bars, voids within the concrete slab, and even the presence of tunnels and pipes underground.