What are the Applications of GPR Scanning in Construction?
GPR is a surface scanning technology that is used in many industries like architecture, crime detection construction, etc. It can spot metallic and nonmetallic pipes, cables, conduits, etc. This service has a wider scope in concrete construction. In this article, we will discuss more about the applications of GPR scanning in home renovations and construction.
What are the advantages of using concrete scanning?
While constructing a new home, homeowners must ensure the ground is safe for construction. GPR scanner can scan the ground to mark the utilities and make sure there are no hazards under the ground.
Concrete scanning gives instant scanning results and helps with the timely competition of the project. It also helps to save time and money spent on costly repairs.
Scanning does not use any harmful rays or destructive methods and provides no health hazards to the scanning professionals or other workers.
What is the method of scanning used by GPR?
GPR scanners send the radio wave pulses to the surface or concrete slab at a frequency between 1 to 1000 MHz The surface deflects the pulses and returns back to the device. The strength of the reflected signal and the time taken are used to measure the type of the embedded object.
The signal will be reflected back quickly in the case of glass and plastics. Metas doesn’t allow a GPR signal to pass through. It reflects it back completely. In the case of soil or concrete, the signal will be returned to the GPR from the place where the entity is located. Anything that is present below that entity won’t appear on the screen.
What are the applications of the GPR scanning:
GPR scanning has a number of applications, and some of them are as follows:
It helps to detect hidden utilities like post tension cables, rebar, water pipes, electric pipes, etc., during the renovations. GPR scanner helps to locate the hidden items before the breaking of concrete starts.
While constructing new structures, coring and cutting of concrete is required. Concrete scanning helps in mapping out a safe passage to cut the concrete to install HVAC systems, etc.
It helps in assessing the bridges and concrete structures. Therefore, one of the applications of concrete scanning is ensuring the safety of the structures.
GPR scanning can detect the voids inside the concrete. This way, it prevents coring experts from facing dangers posed by voids and also saves the stability of the structure.
It also helps to detect underground tunnels, storage tanks, and bedrock mapping.
The applications of GPR construction are time and cost-saving. However, while searching for GPR Scanning near me on Google, it is essential to filter out reliable companies.
In the end, GPR scanning is an innovative tool that can help the construction industry become hazard-free. When finding a concrete scanning company, one must look for a professional and experienced one. If you are looking to hire concrete scanning, coring, and testing services, Concrete Insight is the best company. They work for client satisfaction and provide precise and reliable services. Visit their website now!
FAQs about GPR Scanning:
Q1. Why use GPR scanning in construction?
Ans. GPR scanning aids in detecting hidden utilities, mapping safe cutting passages, assessing structure safety, finding voids in concrete, and identifying underground features like tunnels and storage tanks.
Q2. What does GPR scanning reveal during renovations?
Ans. It reveals hidden utilities such as post-tension cables, rebar, water pipes, and electric pipes before concrete breaking, ensuring a safe and efficient process.
Q3. Can GPR scanning detect voids and underground features?
Ans. Yes, GPR scanning can detect voids in concrete and identify underground features such as tunnels, storage tanks, and bedrock, ensuring stability and safety.